Monthly Service Reminder Postcard Program

Get More Jobs without Lifting a Finger

Automatic Mailers - Service Reminder PostcardsAre you in the market for a set-it-and-forget-it, maintenance-free marketing system that generates more revenue for your business month after month? Well, you totally should be, because we have one and how awesome does that sound? Am I right? So, here’s the dealio…

  • You provide us with your customer list, and tell us how often your customers should use your service (i.e. every 3 months, every spring, etc.)
  • We design an eye-catching reminder postcard for you, complete with the customer’s name and type of service they’re due for
  • We automatically mail out a reminder card to any customer that is overdue for service – every month (or at whatever intervals you would like)

Once it’s rolling, you don’t have to do anything… Not a phone call. Not a rain dance. Not a lifted finger. Nothing.

We are dedicated to winning your business, we will do our best to beat any comparable quote.


Average Rating: 4.67 Stars
