First of all — thank you for allowing PostcardMania to earn your trust and your business.

This is an exciting time for your business, and we’re honored to be along for the ride!

We’ve heard from most of our clients that this campaign is their first foray into multi-channel marketing. (Multi-channel means that the same message is promoted on several platforms, like Facebook, Google and inside mailboxes.)

So, we wanted to help.

A marketing campaign is no trivial investment, which is why we want to make sure you’re well prepared for an influx of website traffic, calls and new leads.

Let’s look at each component within your Everywhere Small Business campaign, and the many places you can expect your traffic, calls, leads and overall results to come from…

Where Your Results Come From: Let Us Count the Ways

direct mail postcard

Example Direct Mail Postcard

checkmark This checkmark indicates that response can be tracked directly on your Everywhere Small Business dashboard.

checkmark 1. Your Postcard: Some people will receive your postcard, hold on to it, and then bring it in with them or use it to redeem a special offer.

2. Googling Your Business: Many prospects will see your postcard and want to learn more about you before reaching out. In doing so, they may contact your business from a number of different access points — dialing the number on your Google listing or filling out a form on your website, for instance.

checkmark 3. Calling the Number on Your Postcard: Some prospects will pick up the phone right away and call. Thankfully, we can track these!

4. Googling Your Product or Service: Some consumers won’t act until they need your product or service. In this case, they may do a Google search and recognize your business from your postcard. That means you’ve already got a leg up on the competition, and they’ll likely visit your site or call you.

facebook ad and instagram ad

Example Facebook Ad and Instagram Ad


5. Your Business’ Facebook Page: Before your postcards even mail, prospects will see your ad in their Facebook feed. They may click on your page and check out your timeline instead of interacting with your ad. From there, they might call you, send you a direct message through Messenger or visit your website.

checkmark 6. The Button on Your Ad: People might click on your ad’s call to action button. This will take them directly to your website or chosen landing page.

Pro Tip: If you aren’t currently tracking your marketing, start now. Here are some key performance indicators to start with now:


Google Analytics is a free website service offered by Google that shows you how users find and use your website.

Start today to establish a baseline you can measure against later. This will help you understand the impact of your campaign beyond the direct tracking offered on your Everywhere Small Business dashboard.

Google ad

Example Google Ad

checkmark 7. Clicking Your Google Follow Up Ad: Once a prospect visits your website, they’ll start to see follow-up ads across millions of sites within the Google Ad Network. If someone clicks on this ad, they’ll be taken directly to your website, where they might fill out a form or call the number listed there.

checkmark 8. Calling from Your Google Ad: People seeing your ad might call you using the number they see. These calls will also be accessible at!

Google search
Speaking of Google… How Does It Affect Your Campaign Tracking?

9. Googling Your Business Instead of Following Your Call to Action: Many prospects will Google you in the course of doing their due diligence. If they decide to contact you in the midst of their online research, they’ll often go down as a lead from Google or the internet.

But how did they know to Google you specifically?

Usually, if you take the time to delve a litter deeper, it’s because they received your postcard in the mail or saw your ad online or in their news feed.


Example website

10. Your Website offers visitors a number of ways to get in touch — which is great! That’s exactly the point of a website: to turn visitors into leads with which you can interact and follow up. Once those visitors have made contact through your website, what is your business doing to track how those visitors heard about you?

Your Business’s Front Line: The Person Answering the Phone


Whether it’s a receptionist, a team or just you, the person answering your phone plays a vital role within your business — and they are busy. They probably mean to ask every new caller how he or she heard about your business, but they might forget now and then. They are human. To help combat this and ensure that every new lead’s source is accounted for, we’ve included a New Caller Worksheet at the end of this report. Print it out, make 100 copies and keep it next to the phone. Direct any and everyone who takes a call to fill out the New Caller Worksheet every time they speak to someone new. No more excuses!

mypostcardmania dashboard

Example results tracking in


How to Track Your Results: Let’s Get to the Fun Part

1. myPostcardMania Dashboard: This dashboard is your home base for tracking results. Each component of your campaign has its own dedicated tracking platform, which can be accessed by clicking “View Detail” here.

2. Your Mail Tracking: We use proprietary barcode technology to track your mail on its delivery route and report back on its delivery status here.

3. Your Call Tracking: Your postcard, Google ads, Facebook ads and Instagram ads all display the same number that tracks and records new calls. Activity on that number can be accessed here. The calls that won’t be tracked include anyone who calls the number on your website after clicking an ad or visiting the site from your mailer, or anyone who googles the name of your business after receiving your mail piece.

4. Your Google Ad Tracking: Our tracking software automatically feeds your ad’s performance directly from Google to your dashboard, so you have one easy, accessible place to track everything.

5. Your Facebook Ad Tracking: Just like with Google, our software displays data directly from Facebook on your dashboard. You’ll also find Instagram ad performance here, because they are owned by Facebook.

6. Your Latest Calls at a Glance: This is a good place to get a snapshot of your campaign’s activity. Keep in mind that because the call tracking only applies to the phone number on those ads, the calls tracked here will only come directly from:

call tracking dashboard

Example call tracking results in

How to Use the Call Tracking Dashboard

1. Ensure Your Call Tracking Number Transfers to a Current Number: It’s happened before — clients sending calls to an inactive number. We suggest taking it a step further and testing the number yourself, as if you were a new, unknown prospect, to ensure receptionist is always on their A-game. (This is called blind shopping.) Listen to the voicemail as well and ensure it has a professional greeting that aligns with what you promoted on your campaign.

2. Expand to See Demographic Data about Each Caller: You’ll unlock advanced data. Check out the record above to see the available data.

3. Isolate Calls by Location: This heat map shows you at a glance where your calls are coming from.

4. Export + Download Caller Information to a Spreadsheet: You can download your callers’ information with one click. This can be useful if you’d like to add all prospects to your CRM for follow up or to mark them as leads from your postcard campaign so that their revenue can be tied back to the campaign when they become customers.

5. Always Listen to Calls Periodically to Ensure Your Reception Process Is on Point: This is key to ensuring your hard-earned leads aren’t being wasted.

6. Return Missed Calls: We recommend checking your calls daily and returning any missed calls that didn’t leave a voicemail.

facebook ad results

Example Facebook Ad tracking results in


Using the Online Ads Dashboard

1. Total Facebook + Instagram Clicks: This is the total number of people who have clicked on the call to action button of your ad only, which sends prospects to your website. It does not include comments, shares or likes on each respective platform.

2. Total Facebook + Instagram Ad Displays: This is the total number of times your ad has been displayed while prospects are scrolling through their news feeds.

Why is information from Facebook and Instagram combined?
In 2012, Facebook acquired the Instagram app. Advertising for both platforms is managed and reported through Facebook only.

google ad results

Example Google Ad tracking results in

3. Total Google Ad Clicks: This is the total number of people who have clicked on your Google follow-up ad, which is displayed alongside content on millions of websites within the Google Ad network. Anyone who clicks is sent directly to your website.

4. Total Google Ad Displays: This is the total number of times your ad has been displayed while prospects are scrolling through their favorite websites.

Interested in Comparing Your Results to Your Mailing List?

mailing list results

Example of data appending


Interested in comparing apples to apples? Send us a list of all new leads you received since starting the campaign and we will compare it against your mailing list, find the duplicates, and send the results back to you.

This function is called a data append. Basically, we will take your data and append it (by adding information) to show which records were also mailed postcards. This is a great way to gauge the impact your mailings have on your results.

We will do this for you for free and strongly recommend taking us up on the offer!

At PostcardMania, we compare new leads with our mailing lists every single week. Each week, we find 100+ leads that are marked as a Google or Web Search lead within our system — and we have been mailing to them for months and sometimes even years! This just justifies the effectiveness of direct mail, even if prospects take their own path along the customer journey.

Don’t forget your New Caller Worksheet!
Print this worksheet out, make copies and keep a stack near your phones to ensure it’s always filled out for every new caller. It’s an easy way to track your new leads!

The more your business markets, the more people hear about you and the more revenue you make. There is never a perfect way to track every single result from your campaign, so we highly recommend using overall revenue as a gauge to see whether your increase in marketing improved your business overall.

Click here to download the New Caller Checklist.

preview of new caller checklist


Call us today if you need any help tracking the results of your Everywhere Small Business campaign!


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Reach out to us using this form and we'll get back to you ASAP!

Call or Text a Marketing Consultant at: 1-800-628-1804