The Situation

Jon Hill is a realtor based in Anchorage, AK. Looking to attract more clients and boost business, he reached out to PostcardMania for assistance with direct mail marketing campaigns.

The Solution

PostcardMania crafted a targeted direct mail campaign for Jon. The campaign involved designing and mailing 7,724 postcards over three months with the following key features:

  • Eye-catching Design: A visually appealing postcard to grab attention.
  • Clear Call-to-Action: Encouraged recipients to visit the website or contact Jon directly.
  • 5 Star Review: A great testimonial with 5 stars to drive the word of mouth effect.
  • Get our $1000 Guarantee: Jon will pay the client $1000 if they don’t get their offer when they want it.
  • Service List: Highlighted the range of real estate services offered.

Jon used his own contact list for the mailings. He spaced the postcard mailings out over three separate mailings:

  • January: 3,005 postcards
  • February: 3,007 postcards
  • March: 1,564 postcards

The Results

he generated $36,000 in revenue!

The campaign was highly successful, yielding the following results:

  • Responses: 3
  • Converted Responses: 3
  • Average Revenue per Client: $12,000
  • Investment: $4,625
  • Revenue Generated: $36,000
  • Return on Investment (ROI): 678%

Jon’s successful campaign highlights the power of direct mail marketing in driving significant revenue and achieving an impressive ROI for real estate professionals.

Get in touch with a marketing consultant today to get started on your own real estate direct mail marketing campaign!

CSID: 56623