The Situation

Michael Slaughter is a long-time resident of Parker, TX and a City Council member. He wanted to get re-elected onto City Council, so he decided to run a postcard marketing campaign with PostcardMania.

The Solution

PostcardMania designed a 4.25 x 6 postcard that included the following features:

  • A professional and friendly photo of Michael that helps build trust with the prospect
  • A strong headline that grabs the recipient’s attention
  • A QR code that when scanned goes to his website
  • Information on election dates to help people plan to vote
  • A list of causes Michael cares about

Michael signed up for an Everywhere Small Business campaign that combines digital ads with postcards. He mailed 5,000 cards to a list of his own contacts and then ran corresponding ads on Google, Facebook, and Instagram to help remind people to vote for Michael for City Council.

The Results

He won the election!

He won the election!

CSID: 57551