The Situation

Mackey & Associates is an insurance company based in Los Angeles, CA. They were seeking to gain more clients to expand their business, specifically targeting property owners in need of commercial building insurance. To achieve this, they contacted PostcardMania for help with their marketing efforts and the direct mail they carried out together was a resounding success.

The Solution

PostcardMania designed a 4.25 x 6 postcard that included the following features:

  • An image of a commercial building
  • A bright and bold call out for “commercial building insurance”
  • Detailed information on the back about the annual premium rate, deductibles, and other relevant details

Mackey & Associates mailed 12,808 postcards to property owners in the local area.

The Results

They generated $250,000 in revenue!

As a result, they received numerous inquiries and converted 5 of them, generating an impressive $250,000 in revenue. Since they invested $9,893 in this campaign, their ROI comes to a remarkable 2,427%!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Why not get connected with a marketing consultant who has experience with other insurance service providers in creating campaigns that will help leverage direct mail marketing to boost client acquisition!

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