The Situation

JK Hileman Elementary School, located in Queen City, TX, was seeking to increase enrollment for their pre-k program. To achieve this, they reached out to PostcardMania for assistance with their direct mail marketing efforts.

The Solution

PostcardMania designed a 6 x 8.5 postcard aimed at parents, which included the following features:

  • Personalization of each card with the recipients first name
  • A vibrant, engaging design to capture attention
  • Important enrollment information and benefits of their pre-k program
  • A clear call-to-action encouraging parents to enroll their children

JK Hileman Elementary School mailed 2,145 postcards to homeowners and renters in their school district.

The Results

They successfully enrolled 40 pre-k students!

As a result of this campaign, they received 40 responses, converting all 40 into pre-k enrollments. The successful campaign significantly boosted their pre-k program’s numbers!

Interested in launching a similar campaign for your business? You won’t regret getting started with a marketing consultant who specializes in creating direct mail campaigns for educational institutions to grow enrollment!

CSID: 56420