The Situation

Vital Dental Anesthesia is a dental practice in Richmond, VA. They needed to bring in more patients and increase their annual revenue, so they reached out to PostcardMania for assistance.

The Solution

PostcardMania designed a 6 x 8.5 inch postcard that included the following features:

  • Friendly and happy photos of families with nice smiles
  • Offers for a free consultation and a raffle to win a free iPad
  • A QR code that when scanned goes to their website for more information
  • A map on the back of the card to help the prospect locate the dental office
  • A list of services available

Vital Dental Anesthesia mailed 8,000 postcards and used a resident/occupant mailing list that targeted residents living near their dental office.

The Results

They gained 50 patients which have a lifetime value of $75,000!

Every patient brings in an average of $150 a year and has a lifetime value of $1,500. As a result of this direct mail marketing campaign, Vital Dental Anesthesia received 150 responses, converted 50 of them, and generated $7,500 in immediate revenue. If these new patients stay with them, they expect to generate $75,000 in revenue over time. If that happens, that would result in an ROI of 917%.

CSID: 55192