The Situation

A business services company located in Bedminster, NJ, was looking to enhance its client base and increase revenue. To achieve this, they partnered with PostcardMania for a targeted direct mail marketing campaign aimed at business owners in their area.

The Solution

PostcardMania designed a 6 x 8.5 postcard featuring:

  • A strong hook addressed to business owners: “Maximize your business while we handle the tedious work.”
  • Clear bullet points highlighting the unique selling points of their services.
  • A strong call to action to call them for more information.

The company mailed 30,000 postcards to a carefully selected list of business contacts in the local area.

The Results

They generated $200,000 in revenue!

The campaign delivered significant results! Check them out:

  • They received 50 responses.
  • Out of these, 20 responses were converted into paying customers.
  • This resulted in $200,000 in revenue.
  • With an investment of $11,802, their ROI was a remarkable 1,595%!!!

This successful direct mail campaign has proven to be a powerful tool for the business services company, significantly boosting their revenue and client base. Get in touch with a marketing consultant if you’re interested in getting started on a similar campaign for your business!

CSID: 55638