4 Gorgeous Spring Real Estate Postcards You Can Send

4 gorgeous spring real estate postcards you can send

1. Show multiple beautiful photos to attract 219 leads

Simply plug in your photos to this spring real estate postcard design to entice prospects to read your real estate marketing:

spring real estate postcards

I think you’d be surprised how fast and effective your spring real estate postcards can generate leads for your business!

In fact:

One of my clients mailed only 6,000 postcards and generated 219 potential buyers!

Here’s the 2nd design…

2. Use this cute postcard design because your prospects will love it

All we need is your:

  • Headshot
  • Contact details
  • And house photos
spring real estate postcards


You can run a list count for FREE and receive 1,000 FREE records for your targeted mailing list.

3. Add Google ads to this spring real estate postcard to generate 185 leads

Imagine taking this postcard design:

spring real estate postcard

And flanking that fresh spring real estate postcard design with Google ads…

So that prospects who receive your postcard in the mail (preferably more than once!) ALSO see matching Google ads online.

This multi-channel marketing strategy creates the impression that your business is everywhere


If you add Facebook AND Instagram ads in the mix… you factually ARE everywhere prospects spend the majority of their time today.

Watch the Everywhere Small Business video to learn how to DOMINATE your market this spring.

4. Highlight your contact info with a CAN’T-MISS-IT color

You can use this spring real estate postcard design to make your call-to-action and phone # POP:

spring real estate postcard

I LOVE that pink color because your eyes draw right to it — which is what you want:

You want your prospects to see your face and phone number so they call YOU!


Your real estate marketing campaign is only as good as WHO receives your spring real estate postcards…

Your mailing list is the meat-and-potatoes of your marketing so DON’T skimp on it.

We guarantee at least 90% deliverability of your direct mail, and so should ANY good mailing list provider, FYI!

Get 1,000 FREE records to start your campaign.

If you have ANY questions about mailing spring real estate postcards, or if you have questions about how Everywhere Small Business works, don’t hesitate to call one of my marketing experts at 800-628-1804 —

Their advice and help is 100% FREE!



FREE DOWNLOAD: Real Real Estate Marketing Campaigns and Their Results


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He listed 4 properties and made $25,000 in profit!
He spent $5,362 on this campaign and has generated $42,999 in revenue so far - and he's only halfway through his mailings!
$60,000 in revenue — a 24,674% ROI!
Call or Text a Marketing Consultant 1-800-628-1804